Where do we go from here?

Initially I inteded this blog to start with Enterprise and go through to whatever J.J. Abrams has up his sleeve.  But since finding out that the Star Trek Universe doesn’t “start” with the events dipicted in Enterprise I’m going to have to revise my plan.

I think I’m going to still LiveBlog each episode, as well as a short essay that ties in with an element of each episode.  The element might be something production related, but this blog isn’t going to focus on Production of each episode, you can find that info other places.  I will say that I will try to incorporate the air date into each essay as much as possible.  I just won’t be starting with Enterprise.

So it’s to the Original Series I go.  I haven’t seen a lot of TOS episodes so that’s going to be interesting.

See ya in space!

~ by lestew on November 29, 2009.

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