Time Travel and what it means in Star Trek….

•January 19, 2010 • Leave a Comment

or a justification of this blog 🙂

I’m going back through and re watching all 726 “visual records” from the Star Trek universe.  Yes that includes the Animated Series. 🙂  Anyway..  the stories that interest me the most are the ones that pertain to time travel.  Probably the one that sticks out in my brain the most is Yesterday’s Enterprise (TNG 3X15) in which the Enterprise D encounters a mysterious ship heading towards them.  Low and behold it’s the Enterprise C, and all of a sudden Captain Picard is wearing a side arm.


See that’s the awesomeness of Time Travel in the Star Trek Universe.  Things happen for seemingly no reason and they change entire timelines.  For example.  Regeneration (ENT 2X23) is a DIRECT sequel to Star Trek: First Contact and a DIRECT prequel to Star Trek (2009) . I’m not going to go into why this is here.  You can see why that is in an earlier post.  My point is that the creators, from Mr. Roddenberry to Mr. Abrahams (yes this includes you Mr. Braga) have all treated Time Travel with some respect.

Yes they’ve had some fun with it Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and yes they’ve taken it a bit to seriously; looking at you Time’s Arrow.  But it’s always had ramifications in future events and usually it created more problems that it solved.  But they’ve been able to (albeit thinly at times) to explain how and why something is happening.  Unlike other shows *cough* BSG *cough* 🙂

In conclusion (please let me have made a point:) Time Travel works in Sci fi because it adds drama in a new and interesting way. It REALLY works in Star Trek because the creators respect and honor if not the rules than at least the ramifications of the events.  One of the worst things to happen is when a story does an “oops I didn’t really mean for that to happen I’ll just throw in some Time Travel and we’ll be good to go”  I HATE THAT!!  earn your drama you silly stories.

alright enough rambling…good night…

new visual reference for my Star Trek timeline…

•November 29, 2009 • 3 Comments

AKA: How the Borg Screw EVERYTHING up!
visual timeline for the Star Trek Universe


As you will notice Star Trek Enterprise is an indirect sequel to the events from Star Trek First Contact.  If the Borg hadn’t gone back in time to assimilate the human population.  Riker and LaForge wouldn’t have been there and my timeline wouldn’t have been messed up.  But I’m not perturbed…nope not at all 🙂

Where do we go from here?

•November 29, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Initially I inteded this blog to start with Enterprise and go through to whatever J.J. Abrams has up his sleeve.  But since finding out that the Star Trek Universe doesn’t “start” with the events dipicted in Enterprise I’m going to have to revise my plan.

I think I’m going to still LiveBlog each episode, as well as a short essay that ties in with an element of each episode.  The element might be something production related, but this blog isn’t going to focus on Production of each episode, you can find that info other places.  I will say that I will try to incorporate the air date into each essay as much as possible.  I just won’t be starting with Enterprise.

So it’s to the Original Series I go.  I haven’t seen a lot of TOS episodes so that’s going to be interesting.

See ya in space!

What this blog is and isn’t

•August 10, 2009 • Leave a Comment

So this blog is about Star Trek. Yes I realize there are a million Star Trek blogs out there. Yes I realize I’m not adding anything to the world to make it better. Or am I?

The thought of watching all the episodes of Star Trek in chronological order seems pretty daunt…wait you didn’t know that’s what this was? Yeah in this blog I’m going to watch all the episodes of Star Trek in chronological order by stardate. Including both the movies and…gasp… The Animated series.

Ok so yeah watching Star Trek in chronological order seemed a bit excessive but meh…

Most of the entries will be a liveblog of the episode and then a summary of the episode. Most likely you’ll be able to find meta information elsewhere so I won’t go into that. I will however be noticing things that amuse me, incacuracies in the timeline, and of course Riker’s beard.

Before you go all nuts on me about the stardate, yes I realize it wasn’t until later in the run on Next Gen that they started to give a hoot. To that I say…meh.

Hello world!

•August 9, 2009 • 1 Comment

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!