new visual reference for my Star Trek timeline…

AKA: How the Borg Screw EVERYTHING up!
visual timeline for the Star Trek Universe


As you will notice Star Trek Enterprise is an indirect sequel to the events from Star Trek First Contact.  If the Borg hadn’t gone back in time to assimilate the human population.  Riker and LaForge wouldn’t have been there and my timeline wouldn’t have been messed up.  But I’m not perturbed…nope not at all 🙂

~ by lestew on November 29, 2009.

3 Responses to “new visual reference for my Star Trek timeline…”

  1. Oh, interesting. So you’re placing Enterprise in the alternate timeline?

    • Yes. According to Enterprise Season 2 Episode 23 Regeneration Zephram Cochran gives a speech at Princeton in which he remembers some mechanical beings coming to assimilate the Earth. And he also remembered some people from the future saving the Earth. These events are portrayed in the film Star Trek: First Contact

      Therefore the timeline is permanently altered from the time of Zephram Cochran. DAMN YOU PICARD!!!! ohh yeah and the BORG!!!!

      So in effect (or is it affect) Star Trek 2009 is a direct sequel to Enterprise. What’s confusing is that it is also a direct sequel to the events of Picard’s timeline. In the “Countdown” Comic run we see the ship that Spock prime (and yes that’s his new name) pilots into the past being built by one Geordi LaForge. And then he does his reading rainbow dance.

      This should have been it’s own post…ohhh well

  2. I was thinking about that at school today!!!!!!! It’s nice to see someone already thought of it.

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